Sunday, August 17, 2014

Taj Mahal India

Taj Mahal India

Taj Mahal India

"This is not a tomb .. this song from alabaster." Thus Nehru described the Taj Mahal. While he described the poet Rabindranath Tagore as "a teardrop on the cheek of eternity." 

  It is a crown Mahl..aldharih who decided that Shah Jahan built by his wife and sweetheart Mumtaz Mahal and took twenty years to build it operates 20 thousand artist and calligrapher and discussion and architect. The Taj Mahal has become miracles of Seven timeless. 
  It also is one of the most beautiful Islamic buildings in India in terms of the extravaganza, decoration and design Alenga.oho building giant oversees the city of Accra in India, which was the capital of the Mongols at the time that the emperor Shah Jahan, who ruled India before more than 300 years to transfer the capital from Accra to the city of Delhi, which is the capital of India even today. 
Taj Mahal to climate change seasons and times of day. Valzhor appear after dawn pink color during the afternoon and colored bright white and then turn to gray before sunset. 

Taj Mahal India

The Taj Mahal Building pure white marble and granite. The architecture has reached a peak of creativity Engineers even said that "the purity of the lines in the architecture of the purity of the waves." 

It has been suggested the establishment of Shah Jahan crown of white marble until it reflected light at dawn and morning, noon and evening and morn .. to moonlight. 
Following completion, Shah Jahan felt that he wanted to die after we verify what he wanted from life. 

Taj Mahal .. and the fulfillment of love 

She was a lady Taj Mahal Mumtaz Mahal and its meaning (selected minors) with a generator high regard, it is the granddaughter of Mirza Ghias Beck Prime Minister of Mughal emperor fourth Jehangir, and the daughter of Khwaja Abu Hassan, who was known in the court of Jehangir title Yamen State Asif Khan, a man of sorties imposing and well-respected large. 
Were highly intelligent. Outstanding beauty as portrayed in the paintings of its time. And was made ​​man of the musical Hair and lend Balvarsah.hecma was the emergence of Arjomand Bano Begum, which later known Mumtaz Mahal, the daughter of a family of nobles folk. 

Taj Mahal India

  I was born in 1594. excellent and while the age of education made ​​her a great effort to enable them to collect a good education and teach manners tiles .. 
  As he was Prince Khurram, the sixteen-year-old son and the future emperor Shah Jahan, in line with market enamel Royal signed his eyes on the beautiful daughter of the Prime Minister, which was at the age of fifteen. 
Prince and faster to his father the next day asking permission to marry her, which it actually got. It was love at first sight. However, the marriage of Khurram Arjomand was not something as easy as one might think. So that after the marriages of love were not commonplace in the palaces of India in the seventeenth century. Valsegat property was done for political reasons or to strengthen military alliances or other similar objectives. And so it was Prince Khurram in the following year married a Persian princess. 
  But because Islam allows polygamy, the opportunity to Berjumand marriage did not crumble with the Prince actually committed with his first wife. Over five years, and after that he said Mndjemo tile their accounts astronomical the time is right to hold the Koran, held awaited wedding finally .. 
After marriage, the prince and spend most excellent Oqathma together. And soon became her husband, Mumtaz Mahal adviser for policy and provide assistance for widows and orphans and poor families. 
The strong relationship which brought Shah Jahan made ​​with excellent shop Monday inseparable companions inside and outside the country and was always their advice and wisdom in the affairs policy of great benefit to Shah Jehan. 
But because things are not upright on the pace and one always has succeeded some efforts to differentiate between a loving father and son, even widened their apartment and hit the stage with them is no longer any benefit reform .. 

Taj Mahal India

Shah Jahan tragedy 

Jehangir fury lasted eight years, Shah Jahan spent a grim and worried without stability. The situation continued in this manner until the year 1627 when his father died, who was sick with asthma .. 

Shah Jahan sat on the throne after a bloody war on the genetics. When the death of Jehangir not only has religion and between neighborhoods, Shahryar and Shah Jahan. But Shahryar, was very sick then .. 
Celebrated the coronation of Shah Jahan in all parts of the Empire. After attending the coronation ceremony, the fastest Shah Jahan to the women's wing, where his wife Mumtaz Mahal, the new Empress, may Bahia threw a party in his honor. And distributed trays gems and gold to the poor on this occasion. You do not delight the couple limits after suffering long Aashaha .. 
Shah Jahan was governor Tmouha..olthakik chose the honorable ambition to be the rulers and leaders of the regions of the army. And warned them to be fair in their judgment of the people, even in known history Shahinshah equitable title "Emperor or fair." 
Mumtaz Mahal became an active role in the management of the state. Shah Jahan was also consulted on all important issues of governance, so that he Astamnha the royal seal. In those times, the royal seal was something very important when Muslim rulers. History records that these rulers were not always confer Bokhtamanm only to a person of integrity and loyalty is no doubt the two never. So any book that experienced this seal becomes immediately calls for obedience. Later transferred this responsibility to the right of the state and an excellent father, upon request. 
Important Shah Jahan built the love of his wife and her magical suites in the palace and showered them gifts and graces. It was even accompanied him on his military campaigns. In one of these campaigns came in 1630 when she was pregnant with him an excellent son, XIV. She died in the spring of 1631 which put her child was a daughter. Following her husband spent so down-hearted almost two decades and is working to accomplish her ​​dream of building said commemorates their love. 
The last words of his beloved, a minimum deposit: Do not get married after me, will not you love a woman like me, do not forget to visit the graves .. and was visiting her grave, which has remained at liberty visited by the mirror through which a prisoner even close my eyes death Year 1666 
Excellent imprisonment after the death of Shah Jahan himself eight days in his palace for the people to come out after another man who was different from four years ago when he ascended the throne. We stayed for two years he has lived mourning them. While bringing the remains of Mumtaz Mahal from Burhanpur, where she died to Agra, the capital of the Mughal Empire, put in a temporary burial chamber under the ground on the bank of the River Jomena. The Mausoleum permanent foundations were laid in 1631, ending built in 1653. 

Taj Mahal India

The most wonderful 

Issa believes that the teacher Effendi of Turkey was responsible for the design of the building. Mohammed Khan of Shiraz and Abdul Ghaffar from Multan Vkana Ktati project. While he was in charge of the technical aspects of interior design was able Zaman Khan of the Arabian Peninsula. 
And used in the construction of more than forty species of stones Alchrima..bna slope along ten miles across Agra to pull building materials to the top of the dome at the construction site .. 
To be able to raise a huge dome constructed scaffold ask where this part of the building, in particular, a lot of effort and money. It is said that the dome alone cost more than the whole rest of the building. Legend has it that Shah Jahan while approaching the Taj Mahal from the end he was told that the dismantling of the scaffold would take five years. So it was only announced that both raises the tile has become king, and the mission ends between overnight .. 
In September 1657, Shah Jahan conscious of the disease and doctors have hope Bchweih. But he wrote his will. As soon as the news of his illness, his four sons, Dara Shikoh and Shuja and Aurangzeb and Murad, taking all gunning to take over the throne. When Aurangzeb success in this endeavor has jailed his father without being allowed only for one of the sisters that you care for him until they passed away in 1666 and was buried beside his wife. 

It is worth mentioning that the word Taj Mahal mean (Crown Palace), while not yet know the origin of naming the palace Taj Mahal, because historians in the reign of the Shah they call him (Rosa), Mumtaz Mahal, a tomb of Mumtaz Mahal, and later popularized the name of the Taj Mahal and translates it crown Palace or the crown of the palace.

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