Monday, August 18, 2014

Masai Mara Kenya

Masai Mara Kenya

Masai Mara Kenya

According to anthropologists, the Kenya is home to the emergence of primitive man and now a lot of grandchildren are attracted to this country to see the charming landscapes and diverse wildlife and the condition of the coastal Lothario.

Masai Mara Kenya

Kenya, of course, one of the best places in Africa for safaris and wildlife watching, and there are many different regions each with landscapes and animals own.

According to a poll conducted by the British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC" to choose the most beautiful fifty anywhere in the world occupied the Masai Mara in Kenya ranked 32 after its transformation into the largest resort naturally in the world because they contain resorts and hotels African-style and organizing safaris and fishing within them, and caused this brainwave brought in hundreds of thousands of tourists throughout the year who are interested see the animals in their natural habitat and original.

Masai Mara Kenya

Featuring exciting safari providing unforgettable by watching animals which roam freely across Almnazertabieih some of the finest in the world, and provides a "United Arab Emirates for the Holidays" for the tourists a wide variety of safari that will allow him the possibility to choose the most suitable flight path.

Masai Mara Kenya

And provide a "United Arab Emirates Holidays" two types of safaris, consisting of the first safari traditional route, which includes a visit theme parks and national or more, and the second type focuses on one site so that you can travel by air to a national park or protected and residence in a camp constructed of tents or dwelling within the protected . And regulate "Emirates Holidays" safari in the Masai Mara Nakuru in Kenya for a period of 5 days (4 nights) with two options: the first seat in a minibus with a 3-star establishment, and the second in a minibus, especially with the establishment of 3-star.

Masai Mara Kenya

The trip includes Nairobi, Park Lake Nakuru National, Masai Mara National Reserve, located Masai Mara, Kenya's northern meadows Greater East Africa, and migrate to it about a million animals eat grass, including cattle wildebeest and zebra zebra and antelope in the period July October each year in line with the solutions period Jump between quarterly drought and rain there, so enjoy the meat-eating animals such as lion, leopard happy days where you find food and Vera and reproduce offspring.

Masai Mara Kenya

And takes this exciting journey to two of the most protected in the magnificence of Kenya, water is rich soda in Lake Nakuru is a habitat ideal for larger swarms Flamingo in the world, while the plains undulating to the Masai Mara, it provides one of the best opportunities to watch wild animals in Kenya, as it represents home to lions and tigers leopards and elephants. And over what area is famous for its Masai Mara is the millions of animals wildebeest and zebras the movement, thundering across the landscape during the annual Two Migrations in July and August / August.

Masai Mara Kenya

Maasai tribe

Considered the Maasai tribe of the most famous African tribes and most anything wrong and in Arabic means "tribe spotted", and in spite of living in the prairies and woodlands, but they are peaceable with foreign tourists and allow to visit villages in the forests for a fee simple financial, believes most members of the Maasai tribe that god "Ancara" lives on the volcanic crater of Mount Kilimanjaro, and that he had descended from heaven and sent down with him and the cows donated by the members of this tribe, so you can understand the close relationship between members of the Masai tribe and cows as a kind of religious beliefs.

The first day

Upon arrival you will be greeted and taken to your hotel, you can enjoy a restaurant in Nairobi that provides Nightlife fun, and spend the night in Nairobi.

The two-day second and third: Nairobi Lake Nakuru National Park

Takes flight in the morning drive to your home in Nakuru, and provides park Lake Nakuru National haven for giraffes from a platoon Rothschild, rhinos, leopards, and reveal to you journey by car across the protected pm types of animals that are not counted in the park, then you eat dinner and spend the night in the camp.

The fourth day

You can trace more wild animals and starting touring car through the park in the afternoon, as you can choose balloon ride to see the animals from the air, followed by breakfast, or you can choose your skills in fishing in Lake Victoria to hunt fish chick Nile, and spend the night in the Masai Mara .

Fifth day: Nairobi

Departure to Nairobi and access to the city center about mid-day, and the word means Nairobi Place the cold water in a language "Masai", a call center world trade and the largest city between Cairo and Johannesburg, one of the most enjoyable cities in Africa, a rise from the surface of the earth and its climate health and the soil fertile and many gardens the parks, which is the only city where there are a busy park wildlife indigenous to 8 km from the city center.

And then move to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for the return trip independence.

Tips and Advice

Advised Friendly light clothing colors is striking, comfortable shoes, cardigan (the weather is cold in the mornings and evenings), pharmaceuticals insect repellents, camera, binoculars close bag luggage weight not exceeding 15 kg per person, and are advised to take necessary precautions to avoid injury malaria.

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