Monday, August 18, 2014

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

Has characterized many, many islands scattered in the seas and oceans of the world are inherently picturesque and the net addition to its air of calm and isolation, which helps to create an atmosphere ideal for anyone looking for rehabilitation and hospitalization for nervous compressed by the rhythm of life and its responsibilities. 

This may be the qualities and characteristics of a general characterized by both Islands of the world as I have already said as to the group of islands "Galapagos", the reason for her fame is linked closely linked to the theory of evolution to the world of Charles Darwin because the world's most controversial in human history has done his studies and his research there over the land of these islands, which adds to it a special taste and elegance. 

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

The Galapagos Islands is an archipelago of islands located at a distance of 1050 kilometers west of the coast of Ecuador, and politically is a province of Ecuador and its capital, "Puerto Bkwerezo Moreno" and consists archipelago of 13 volcanic island large 0.6 Islands smaller and 107 rocks and islets, which are distributed throughout Pacific Ocean along the equator and is considered the official language in these islands is Spanish and has a population of just over 25,000 people. 
It is believed that these islands were formed from about 5 to 10 million years ago by volcanic activity in the heart of the Pacific, so you'll find most of these islands consist of volcanic peaks, and I knew these islands in the past: the islands enchanted where buried pirate treasures stolen there, and the longer the survivors of sunken ships these islands shelter and visit Galapagos Islands, about 60,000 tourists annually. 

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

Live in these islands, birds and exotic animals and birds and animals, a rare type of sea crow can not fly, penguins, which he is rumored to Aieih only in Antarctica, and bird gramophone type is unknown in other places. And there are huge turtles weighing more than 230 kg therefore launched a Spanish word synonymous with the word turtles, any Galapagos, on the islands. 
And more animals curiosities Islands Galapagos lizards called "Alajoinh," which is characterized as being able to swim and dive and stay under water until cool and about half an hour and then climb on the rocks to Taatdfy under the rays of the sun and is one of the lizards, the only one in the world that Tsttia to swim and increases the length of many of them on the meter and there are also some creatures familiar, including birds, herons (heron), and cancers of the sea of scarlet that resemble factions that live in the Atlantic Ocean and in the year 1835, Charles Darwin's work complete study and detailed about the animals found in the fifteen main island. 

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

The climate in these islands is highly variable, there are two seasons in the islands: a hot rainy season, monsoon rains with relatively high humidity, and that in the period from December to June, and the temperatures are on average about (26 ° -30 ° C). 
And from June to November classes are cool, and less where temperatures and increasing wind speed and activity of the cold and the peak season for trips is usually from December to May, where the seas are calmer and the weather warmer. 
It is the most important activities that are out there diving and you can get on the diving equipment from the divers who will Erafqok trip your dive may also need to bring a waterproof camera as diving save you see many aquatic proximity such as fish, sea turtles and sea lions. 
The islands were classified "Darwin" and "Wolf" as one of the best dive destinations in the world for several years as the islands offer special courses for those who want to learn to dive into the Santa Cruz and San Cristobal, and there are many dive sites for the beginners. 
There are two ways of diving in the Galapagos Islands: 
Diving daily diving trips with the organizers of the local tourist from Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal. 
Of islands "Darwin" and "Wolf" and these two islands are the most important signatories to dive and attract a large number of divers and those interested in this sport worldwide. 
It is the most important existing sites also these islands is the national park, which has strict laws apply during her visit, which only allows visitors to visit from sunrise until sunset and must be registered with the cruise tracks with officials from the park before the start of the journey, and should not be nuisance animals, and the general rule the garden is that it should not be observed during the animal you are watching and follow-up and you should stay away a distance of not less than two meters from the animals. 
And when you travel to the islands, do not bring any plant Oouhewan your own with you, and be sure to clean your shoes always when traveling between the islands to avoid the transfer of seeds accidentally. 
Illegal fishing is another threat to the park, although the officials Garden may deny its existence, but illegal fishing for sharks and sea cucumber is happening on a large scale has increased the number of hunters rapidly during the past few years, while the number of fish has gone down so much. 
Another significant threat to the park is the growing number of the population. Although the new rules to prevent people coming from outside the islands to live and work, but it is still there are some excesses. 
The most important of these islands remind you in the following lines: 

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

Island Btura: also known as the "South Seymour", a small island located in the center of the Galapagos Islands, and before 1986 there was an airport and a single in the islands and was located here on the island of Btura and resides on the island turtles Alojoinh which were returned after their extinction in this island. 
Bartolome Island, located off the eastern coast of the islands, one of the newest of the islands in the archipelago, where the configuration and this island is named after a friend of the natural world and the life of Charles Darwin, "Bartholomew James", who was a lieutenant on board the ship Beagle. 
Darwin: This island is named after Charles Darwin and the world with an area of ​​1.1 square kilometers and fur seals live here and Alajoinh marine and hook-tailed gulls and sea lions, whales and sea turtles. 
Espanola: has been named in honor of Spain as well as an area of ​​60 square kilometers and a maximum height of 206 meters. It is considered the oldest in the island chain at the age of about 3.5 million years ago, and there are a large number of animals, which is isolated from the rest of the islands. 
Isabella: This island was named in honor of Queen Isabella and has an area of ​​4,640 square kilometers, which is the largest island in the archipelago and the island shape the face of a hippopotamus, a product of the integration of six volcanoes to land a big one on this island there are penguins, Alaajoinat, swans and crabs. 

Galapagos Islands Ecuador

North Seymour: given its name after a year to Nabil called Lord Hugh Seymour. It has an area of 1.9 square kilometers, and this island is home to a large number of gulls and has one of the largest concentrations of frigate birds. 
It can get to these islands through the flight, a relatively easy and graduated from Quito and Guayaquil daily to the island airport "Btura", the airport is 20 minutes from the center "Porto Bakereezo Moreno," which is considered the capital of the archipelago. 
But if you want to see wildlife in the Galapagos Islands, it will be by boat and the book most people place in the boat in very early because they are usually full during the season and book a tour of the boat with one of the companies through the Internet is usually the most convenient, but in often significantly more expensive. 
It remains to know that UNESCO put the islands on its list of World Heritage in 1978 and in 1985 as the marine reserves forbidden hunting them.

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